This technological Application represents our system for regulation and control for clarification process (“Lautering”) found in most breweries of all sizes.
In most brew houses the lauter tun is the bottleneck in the production. This means, by optimizing the software you will increase the productivity. This system can be implemented in breweries of all sizes and is designed to use existing equipment in the best possible way. This system implements its regulation mechanisms on the basis of “Fuzzy Logic” combined with our patented Software regulation (DE19610447A1), to produce the best possible Quality and process time, even though the process parameters are adjustable.
The control software considers not only productivity, but also Quality variables into its regulation algorithm, allowing an adjustable balance between efficiency and quality depending on the current needs of the Brewery. The brewery can easily and freely adjuste the system to optimize the Lautering process for “Speed” or for “Quality”, by just chaning on single slider, instead of adjusting the complex nominal values in the recipes. Some of the usaual nominal setpoints are:
- Amount of wort
- Amount of water
- Flow Setpoints
- Temperature
- Reduce Raking machine movement, to be easy on the mechanics of the equipment
and also technological setpoints as:
- Extract
- Trubity
- amount of water on top of the filtration cake (in mm)
Some examples for our control systems are
Klosterbräu Dargun, Germany
Optimization of lautering process.
The production capacity has increased over 25%.
Isenbeck, Carmeroon
New brewery with second hand equipment.
Target value by the owner: 6 productions per day
Reached value by MLogics: 9 productions per day
BBO, Bolivia
New brewery with second hand equipment.
Taget value by competitor: lautering time 168 minutes
Reached value by MLogics: lautering time 142 minutes
Blashi, Aruba
Reautomation of existing equipment
Le Froid, Nouvelle-Calédonie
Reautomation of existing equipment
For more detailed information and reference implementations, please check our PDF presentation or Contact us.