After long and intensive development and testing we are proud to anounce that new BatchXpert Version is now available for download! It has already undergone extensive testing and can now be released for production applications.
New features include:
- New User Interface for Process Graphics: to improve the use of process graphics by operators, we have developed a new improved interface in the graphics. All Process Graphics are now accessible through a drop-down menu that also shows a summary of the status of the processes. This will improve the visibility of the status of the processes by the operating personnel
- Online view of Control modules: An application was integrated that can visualize all the status of all the control modules of the system. This tool also allows you to create backups of the adjustments of the regulators, analog inputs, and also manage the maintenance of the actaudores
- BatchConfiguration Auditing: The functionality of trace all the modifications of the Configuration database was integrated. This allows to create an “Audit Trial” of all the modifications in the configuration of the database.
- Support for SQL Server 2016 and 2017 and 2019: Support was added to the new versions of the Microsoft SQL databases. Support for the 2019 server has also been integrated, which will be released by Microsoft later this year. So you can always use the most up-to-date infrastructure.
- Improvements in Reporting, to be able to build more complex and sophisticated reports
- Many bug fixes and system improvements
For more detailed changes, see the list of changes here